Saturday, February 29, 2020

Change Can Be Good

Every once in a while I get an inkling that there is change on the horizon.  Sometimes it is valid and sometimes it is not.  Change however, should always be seen as good or a way forward.

Organizational change can be scary and sometimes will affect your employees.  It is important to remember that your employees are not aware of what you may know yet.  When you do tell them that say, they will have a new manager, someone is being promoted or even other types of organizational changes, be sure to remember that they are finding out for the first time.  Emotions can come with this including: happiness, fear, loss, confusion, anger, etc.  You need to be prepared.  Knowing your employees individually comes in very handy at these times.  Not everyone reacts the same, so you need to know how to handle each individual person.

An example: Jane is being promoted to manager, but Joe thought he should get this position.  Jane is going to be happy and perhaps a bit scared.  Perhaps Joe is confused or angry about not getting the position.  For Jane you want to congratulate her, ensure she knows you are there to help her as she grows into the new position, then explain to her new reports about the mentoring and training period for Jane.  However, if you see Joe is angry or acting out, take him aside later and ask him how he feels about the situation.  If he feels he should have received the promotion over Jane, then be prepared to explain why Jane deserved the promotion AND then tell Joe what he can do so he can receive this promotion next time and help him get there with training, education or experience.

Food for thought on a Saturday.


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