Saturday, June 15, 2019

What is Communication?

Now that you know a bit about me and my journey (and I will share more as I go), it is time to dig in to some of the fundamentals of being a great leader.

It should not be a surprise at all that Communication is one of the key fundamentals to being a great leader.  So what is communication anyway?  In its basic definition, it is sharing information.  However, as a leader it is much more than just that.

Everyone takes in lots of information each second.  They brain can take in a lot, but only processes a handful.  This may be why we miss things.  I have a bad habit of not seeing people I know at the mall because I am focused on what I am buying or where I am going, so my mind is not focused on taking in other information.  It is not until I hear my name, most times, that I recognize my friend is standing right there in front of me...always an embarrassing moment.

What a leader needs to ensure, and I will touch on each of these in future blogs, is on communicating to be understood, taking in information to understand, being an active participant in communication, practise active listening, using proper questioning techniques, using constructive feedback AND accepting it, and always ensuring you hear or read what they actually want you to.  What one person says can be interpreted in many different ways.  Today I will leave you with 1 example:

I say to someone: "I am going to participate in a 5km race next weekend.  I am very excited as it is for charity."

You hear that I am running a 5 km race next Saturday, I am asking you to sponsor me for charity and I am happy about it.

What I meant was that I am a vendor at a 5km race next Sunday, a proceed of my sales will go to the charity, and I am very happy about it.

This is what I mean by ensuring you communicate to be understood and take in information to understand.  How do you do that?  By being specific in what you say and asking questions to ensure you properly understood.

Practice being more specific with your next communications.  But be sure to not talk down to the other party.  I will leave you with what I could have said from above.

"I am going to be a vendor at a 5km race next Sunday.  I am very excited as I am donating 5% of all my sales to the charity of the run."

Till next time!

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