Sunday, June 28, 2020

Take Your Vacation

Many managers do not take all their allotted vacation time. Why not?  You are entitled to your down time too.

For me, I have always taken my vacation each year.  It is my important time to just relax and not think about work or the stressors that many leaders face.  And if you are an effective leader, you should not have to worry too much about what may be there when you return.  You should ensure someone can cover for the most urgent items so you can actually take the necessary time we all need.

So, what happens if you don't take time off?  Well, what does it show your hard working employees?  It tells them they can't take it either, which is not a good idea.  This is how you lose good employees.  Let them take their time fact as good leader will insist upon it, as it will improve productivity.  Everyone needs a break, take yours and show your employees you trust them to get the work done when you are not there.  Leaders share work, delegate work and understand that their team will still function without the leader there, because the leader has trust in them.

It is summer here...take vacation even if it is a staycation due to Covid 19.  Your team has you covered.


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