As a leader or manager, we should always be ensuring continual training and education of our employees, but what about you?
Learning and growing is part of life. Without it we get stagnant and can't move forward or even get left behind. Most leaders will take some sort of course, seminar or webinar every now and then (at least quarterly) on the key aspects of their role. It not only helps you stay updated on our ever changing world, but also allows your employees to see that you too need to always stay educated or trained. Remember the saying "knowledge is power"? It is true. The more knowledge we have, the better we are at making the right decisions.
So, what as a leader do you need training on regularly? It depends on your role, but if you have direct reports, you should at the very least take an employment law course and then follow that up every year with an update conference or seminar. Labour laws change frequently and you need to stay abreast of all the changes.
Another one would be human rights. You need to ensure that not only yourself, but your co-workers and employees are following the human rights laws. If not, then you need to assess the situation and get legal advice.
A leader should always find a webinar or seminar on leadership. Even reading a book or this blog is working towards keep yourself educated and updated on the changing leadership world.
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