We are all human. Even us who think, live, and breath positivity.
I have had the hardest time this winter staying positive at work and at home. I think, like most of us, between Covid and the cold winter months of southern Ontario, it can be difficult to continue to be positive, or even neutral these days.
I have been finding myself trying for the life of me to be positive when speaking to co-workers or employees. However, at times I too am in the gossip lane (mostly about those not in Canada with my company). I reflect on this now with how can I change this going forward? I know I need to or I will fall deeper and deeper into either sadness or negativity and that is not what I want.
So, I will assign myself the great duty of always finding a way to be neutral or positive with all situations at work. Neutral with respect to what others say (we are all allowed to have opinions, but some we should keep to ourselves.) Even if something bad does happen, I will result to finding a way to use this as a lesson and build upon it for any future issues that come up...and they do...almost every day.
Another thing I have noticed this winter is that no only myself, but everyone around me is feeling the blahs. Again, this is likely due to lock downs, not seeing people, tiredness of Covid, and being tired of winter. I am hoping if I can at least stay alert and either neutral or positive in all situations, others will pick up on this and also do the same thing...rather than the majority of everyone feeling blah. Maybe this will not only lift up my happiness a notch, but perhaps others too.
We as leaders of people are not perfect. We have moments, days, or even winters of weakness, but if we can recognize this, address it, and if nothing else put a smile on our face, then maybe...just maybe, we can all get through the blah's with a better outlook, more positivity, and less negative talk or thoughts.
What do you think?