Sunday, July 19, 2020

Forced To Be a Manager

There are a lot of people who are forced into management roles.  This can happen when organizational changes happen, when someone leaves and is not replaced and may other scenarios.  What should you do when this happens and you are also expected to be a leader?

First and foremost, get some education on being a manager and a leader.  What do these mean in your company?   What is the difference?  There are a lot of definitions online, but it is important to also know what your company sees the definitions as, as well.  Then you can ensure you are moving in the direction needed for your new role. This education / training needs to come from your company.  Ask for help and tell them you want to ensure you are following the proper protocols of management and leading the culture that is expected.  Then, go home and educate yourself by reading, taking an online course or hiring a coach.  Some company cultures need help and this is a great opportunity for you to see what you can bring to the table.

Give yourself time to learn and grow.  If the expectation at your workplace is that you figure this out or leave, well what you do is up to you.  However, be sure to also forgive yourself for mistakes.  They will happen...we are all human after all.  It is about learning and personal / professional growth.  It is ongoing and never ends.

Pick and chose your battles. When you are first forced into management, it can be hard.  If you need help to deal with one aspect of management that you are not fully trained or aware on what to do, ask another manager for support, advise or help.  If this is not acceptable in your company, then reach out to family, friends or your coach to help you brainstorm what you can do now,, and what battles are best left until you are better able to manage and understand it.

Lastly for today, don't be afraid to talk to your manager, HR or another manager if you really are stuck on what to do, need more training, are not ready to be a manager, etc.  It can be scary if you are forced into it, so be sure this is what you want and if you do, get the help you need to become the best leader you can be.

That is all for today.

Tara Lehman

Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Perfect Leader

The Perfect Leader does not exist.  Sorry to tell you this, but it is true.  

A good or great leader is one who continually improves themselves and their team through ongoing training, reading, coaching, etc.  But this not only done from the leader with the team, but the leader themselves.  Even I have a coach to help me through my leadership development.  This helps me keep on track in my growth, but also allows me to grow my team too as I can pass on valuable lessons.

Let's start with training.  We all have it and we may encourage our team to find training to help them in their current position, but when was the last time you took some training to help you?  The training does not necessarily have to be on leadership, it can be on just improving your skills or knowledge for your position.  For example, I manager the HR function and I ensure I attend training often via web training, in person training, and even with a legal seminar to keep updated on the latest court decisions.  This type of training helps me continue to keep on top of the ever changing HR world and legalities, as well as ensuring my employees are also kept updated and current.  I also enjoy learning about leadership through training as well, and as having been a trainer on various parts of leadership, it helps me develop this knowledge and my ability to pass it on.

Reading is another great way to learn and is very inexpensive (or free at a library).  You can read many books specifically about leadership, but there are many others out there about: personal development, organization, quality standards and so many more that can help with many facets of organizations and leadership.  My suggestion is to do a strengths and weaknesses chart on your own skills.  This helps you visually see where you believe you may need some growth.  Perhaps even share this with a trusted member of your household or work team to see if they agree or not - you may be surprised at what they tell you.  After you know what weakness is your biggest challenge, purchase and read the books that will help you grow there first.

Coaching is a great way to grow your skills.  Coaching does not always focus specifically on your leadership skills,  For example, a coach will help you assess your skills and grow the ones that are affecting your leadership.  What does this mean?  Maybe it means that it is not your business skills that are slowing down your leadership development, but it is the stress of having your parents to look after at home, financial issues, work/life balance and so many more.  Coaches help you see this and understand where you can improve for your overall wellbeing.  When you are doing well, you bring positivity to your team, you encourage them, lead them, work with them, to be your best team always.

So, the next time someone tells you that they are a perfect leader, you remember can they be perfect in an ever changing world, with new struggles for you and your team (think Covid19)?  You can be a great leader though!  Keep moving forward and if you fall down, pick yourself back up and try, try again!

Take care everyone and stay safe!

Tara Lehman